Tuesday, December 13, 2011

And So It Began…

I start today, owing a big thanks to my buddies Hardik and Ravi. If not for them, this surprise trip would not have been possible.

When my friend Sindhu asked innocently “What will you do if it rains ?”, I did not in my worst dreams imagine the weather to turn around so drastically from a pleasant full moon sky to a full on storm.

Hardik with his SENZ (Thanks to TEDxDelft) umbrella, me with my normal umbrella and Ravi with no umbrella took off from our cozy boxes at 2:15 AM. It was time for me to leave for Schipol to catch my flight heading home for my sister’s wedding a.k.a winter vacations ;)
Dragging two huge bags through the almost horizontal rain and stormy wind and heading towards the Delft train station proved to be much more than a walk in the park.
Both the guys having classes at 8:45 today, they still agreed to come help me out. Makes me glad I have such good friends :) Hope they went for it :P

I am sitting in the Paris Airport as I write this. It sure lacks the charms and glamour of Schipol. Did love the Schipol atmosphere in the early morning. Much less crowded and very well organized.

The scary part was that I kept falling asleep on the train and the airport. And as I boarded the plane for Paris, I dint even bother checking out the girl sitting next to me and fell asleep (Thanks to last 3 nights of sleepless nights to meet the assignment deadline :P). Got up to hear that the weather is very turbulent and will be served only sandwiches and cokes. Gulped both down and off to heavenly sleep again. Not before I peeked outside the window and mannn… It sure was worth it. The landscape created by the clouds and the rising sun adding all sorts of shades on the stormy clouds only strengthened my belief that God truly is an artist with skills beyond imagination.

Anyway, here I am, this is me, there’s nowhere else on earth I’d rather be .. Damn !! Listening to too much of Bryan Adams does get you side tracked :P Sorry bout that. Better keep this blog short.
On an ending note, I would like to address two points:

1.      1.The girl I was sitting next to had really pretty and happiness filled eyes ^_^. How can I not check her out ehh ? ;) :P
2.       2. The SENZ really is a storm umbrella. Do buy it if you intend on roaming around during a fully fledged storm.

A bientot, more to come soon with news on how my family got a surprise with my arrival (not talking about my first arrival 22 years ago ;) :P). Except dad no one knows so hushhhh :D
Have a great week :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

No More Thousand Butterflies...

It was only a couple of months ago that I saw this beautiful spectacle. Something that so moved me that I did not even reach for my camera. There are few such moments when you know that it cannot be captured by a camera but only experienced.

This happened one evening when I was sitting in my spacebox and gazing out through my window. The gleaming golden light of the setting October sun fell beautifully on to the tree tops. The ever speedy Dutch winds were busy rustling the leaves. And for that moment, it felt like I had seen the true beauty of God’s creation as he always intended us to. The best metaphor that I can come up with which will do justice to my sight is a thousand butterflies shimmering, rustling and swaying .. I only wish I had the right words to describe them. But I guess there are no words to describe such sights. Just a silent appreciation from one’s heart for this experience of true peace and oneness with the creator. After that, I made a point to witness this sight almost every day.

But alas, as they say, all good things must come to an end. And so it did. Autumn came and slowly the butterflies flew away. And now as the December sun shines on those trees, only the barren twigs welcome them. Swaying slowly in this cold December wind.

And so I shall wait, for the time, when once again, a thousand butterflies shall greet my sight :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Curious Case Of Dreams

It has always been a mystery how the dreams we dream are connected to our lives or sometimes even related to us. But no matter what, it sure affects your day if you let them.

It was only today when I was dreaming about driving a nice big SUV and it was the only thing on my mind all day. Made me want to go back home and drive my 'Red Princess' :)

It was only after some time of day dreaming that I realized that I was driving the car on the right side of the road while back home, we drive on the left side. Netherlands sure did affect me pretty fast in this aspect :P

Some of my dreams are so action packed that it puts Hollywood action movies to shame. Sadly with increasing time after waking up, the memory of the dreams fade away. Well, but sure is fun to snooze a bit more and see how the end turns out ;)

It also happened to me once that I saw this old house with very intricate designs on the floor and after a few months, I went to this house in a village which had the exact same designs and it was the same house. Strange ? Well, people do claim that they have premonitions in their dreams.

So, keep dreaming but dont let the nightmares/bad dreams spoil your day :)

I hope you have a sweet dream tonight :)